Located in the last tunnel area where you first meet Pickman. Located in the lobby, above a desk on a structure. Located in the Overseer’s Office inside vault 114. Located at the top of the tower in the cage where Strong and Rex are being held. It’s located past the huts, on a wooden platform. You’re SPECIAL book After you leave the starting Vault, you’ll have to go to the Sole Survivor’s house in Sanctuary Hills. Check out our list of unique / rare weapons in Fallout 4 with special bonuses. Located in the central metal catwalk on top of a steamer trunk. This guide will show you all bobblehead locations in Fallout 4. Located in the main warehouse on a rusting car. Located on the west side of the ground floor inside the “on-air” room. It’s on top of a radio in the northernmost room. Located in the main cannery room in the northwest upper section. Located on the metal post terminal for area four, on a metal table. Head to Curie’s office in the southeast corner of the vault. Located in the Fort Hagen Command Center, in the kitchens. Head to the southwest section of the plant. Located on the basement’s third level inside the vault building on a desk. On Level 1 of the Parsons State Administration Building, near the staircase to the basement. Located on Level 3 of the Museum of Freedom 1.02 – Charisma

Gain +25% critical damage with unarmed attacks NOTE: All Bobbleheads have a weight of zero and a value of 300. You can put them on display on custom-made Bobblehead stands, or hold onto them (they have zero weight) if you feel like keeping them close. Bobblehead types are not tied to the location they appear in, but are randomly defined.

If you come across one, they will grant you a permanent perk reflective of each Bobblehead’s specific effect. See Fallout 76 bobblehead locations for details. We've also added jump links to this guide to make finding certain bobblehead entries much easier.Bobbleheads are scattered throughout the wasteland in Fallout 4. To help you find these bobbleheads on your next playthrough, we've updated this guide with images of where each location is on the map. stats and your skills, although they can't increase that stat over its maximum-ten for attributes, 100 for skills. They grant sizable increases to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Updated October 31st, 2021, by Charles Burgar: Bobbleheads are one of the most powerful item types you can find in Fallout 3. To help you find them all we've compiled a complete walkthrough of their locations. Some bobbleheads are found in locations that cannot be returned to once you leave. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled throughout your playthrough.
The game puts a few in plain sight to help you out, but if you want a full collection you're going to have to do some hunting and, most likely, a lot of shooting too.
Related: How To Maximise Your Skills In Fallout 3 Each one you collect will increase a skill by ten points, or a S.P.E.C.I.A.L stat by one. Only one of each of these unique items exists per playthrough, stashed away in some hidden corner or dangerous lair. None are so prized, however, as the Vault Boy Bobbleheads. Arguably one of the best action RPG games ever made, Fallout 3 has a heavy supply of things to loot across the Capital Wasteland.